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Get prepared with our checklist

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1. Basic requirements for mountain hiking

  • Surefootedness
  • Depending on the route: no fear of heights
  • Good stamina and strength
  • Good self-awareness

2. Important information

  • Elevation difference in ascent and descent
  • Total distance in kilometres
  • Route conditions
  • Terrain and difficulty
  • Hiking times for individual routes and total hiking time
  • Points of contact such as mountain huts, cable car stations, etc. – use maps and guidebooks for this purpose.
  • Timetables of buses and/or mountain cable cars – make sure you know the operating hours and last journey up/down.

3. Equipment

  • The name says it all: trainers are for training in the gym, and hiking boots are for hiking! High or ankle-high hiking boots with a non-slip grip sole are a must.
  • Comfortable clothing – don’t forget to layer!
  • Day pack with a water bottle and some food
  • Sun protection (cream, glasses, hat), no matter the weather. The high-altitude sun can be dangerous.
  • Rain protection is a must, even for short hikes: a sudden summer thunderstorm can pass through faster than you can get to the hut or the valley.
  • When hiking in the high mountains, a windproof jacket is necessary, and a hat is often useful: a change in the weather is often associated with a drop in temperature.
  • For multi-day tours with overnight stays in huts: a sleeping bag, towel, indoor footwear, a change of underwear, and a toiletry bag are a must.

4. Before departure

  • Dress appropriately for the weather and the trail.
  • Inform relatives and your hut host or proprietor of the route, destination, and expected return time (calculated generously).
  • Always leave early if possible, but definitely in the case of long hikes, excessive daytime heat, or when afternoon thunderstorms are predicted.

5. During the hike

  • Drink fluids regularly
  • Eat regularly
  • Take breaks at regular intervals
  • If your plans change during the hike, it is important to make sure that your contact person is informed so as not to cause an unnecessary search.

6. Safety first

  • Dangerous situations that push you to the limit of your ability, such as trail breaks or steep, frozen snowfields, should definitely be a reason to turn back.
  • Stay on the marked path and avoid shortcuts.
  • Stay with your group.
  • If you find yourself in unfamiliar terrain in fog or darkness, wait for help or better visibility the next morning, try to shelter from the cold, and don’t wander any further!
  • A descent through unknown terrain can be life-threatening!

7. At the hut

  • Be mindful of your use of electricity, water, and food.
  • Take your rubbish back to the valley.
  • Adhere to the hut rules, especially the quiet hours at night.

What to do in case of thunder and lightning

Lightning was once considered a powerful weapon of Zeus, the father of the gods, a sign of the gods’ wrath. Today we know better, but that doesn’t make lightning any less dangerous. During a thunderstorm, a warm front and a cold front meet, and the resulting electrical voltages are discharged in the form of lightning and thunder. When humidity and violent up-and-down winds are added, it’s the perfect storm. Depending on where you are, this can become a problem.

In Central Europe, the main period of thunderstorm activity is in the afternoon, between 3 and 6 p.m., and the least storm activity is observed around 9 a.m. Warm thunderstorms, in particular, will dissipate towards evening.

A simple rule of thumb allows you to determine the distance of a thunderstorm: count the seconds between lightning and thunder and divide the result by three; the resulting number roughly indicates the distance in kilometres. For example, if ten seconds pass between lightning and thunder, the thunderstorm is about three kilometres away – it’s getting close now!

There is a lot of well-intentioned advice on what to do outdoors during a thunderstorm. Some of it is helpful, but some of it is dangerous. “Look for beech trees; avoid willows?” Lightning doesn’t care about the type of tree. It usually strikes at the highest point, even if it is a beech tree.

So what should you do if you get caught in a thunderstorm on a mountain hike and can’t get to the next hut in time?

  • Never make yourself the highest point in the terrain; if possible, crouch in a hollow on your rucksack with your legs together and keep at least ten metres away from trees.
  • Keep a distance of at least one metre, but preferably three metres, from companions. Do not touch each other!
  • If possible, crouch at the foot of a rock face, at least one metre away, always with your legs together.
Up the Sciliar/Schlern via the tourist trail: preparation
It’s great to have you here!

On 9 October 2024 we start our winter break. We look forward to welcoming you here again next year.

Summer season 2025: 7 June to 12 October 2025

The opening hours depend on the snow conditions and weather forecast. Changes are therefore possible at short notice.

Please note: We can only accept reservations for summer 2025 from November 2024 onwards.

Important: Your car will need to stay down in the valley. You can only reach us on foot. As it can be quite chilly up here in autumn, please ensure you bring appropriate clothing and equipment with you. See you soon!

The Gasser Family // Via Sciliar, 54
39050 Fiè allo Sciliar // Italy
VAT no.: IT01736080217
T +39 0471 612024 // info@schlernhaus.it